Group classes , private classes and corporate classes .
Beeda Christina Gautier.
certifications by:-
1. Ananda Marga Yoga
2. Malaysian Association of Yoga Instructors
(available on whatsapp)
Friday, November 8, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Relieve Pain, Calm Anxiety and More
Yoga Poses to Relieve Pain, Calm Anxiety and More
Problem: Anxiety
Pose: Pranayama Breathing
Sit with your legs crossed comfortably and your hands resting on your knees, your palms facing up. Then, close your eyes and inhale slowly for 6 counts, allowing your belly to expand. Pause for 2 counts before you exhale, then take another 6 counts to breathe out, drawing your belly back to your spine; pause for 2 counts, then slowly inhale again. Repeat this breathing sequence for 10 minutes.
How It Helps: Any kind of exercise can fight frazzle, but the slow, deep breathing of yoga (spotlighted in this move) has been shown to be particularly effective at shutting off your nervous system’s fight-or-flight state and putting it back into rest-and-relax mode. One German-led study found that women who began practicing yoga reported significant improvements in anxiety, stress and wellbeing, compared to non-yogis --and that their levels of the stress hormone cortisol actually dropped as well.
How It Helps: Any kind of exercise can fight frazzle, but the slow, deep breathing of yoga (spotlighted in this move) has been shown to be particularly effective at shutting off your nervous system’s fight-or-flight state and putting it back into rest-and-relax mode. One German-led study found that women who began practicing yoga reported significant improvements in anxiety, stress and wellbeing, compared to non-yogis --and that their levels of the stress hormone cortisol actually dropped as well.
Mind Body balance
The Mind-Body Balance -
Breathing & stretching are VERY IMPORTANT to your overall health, no matter how physically fit (or not) you are. The body and the mind get connected through the breath. When we hold our poses and breathe, we begin to access places in our body where old emotional baggage has been stored. We begin to dislodge all sorts of pent up stress, which reduces hormonal imbalances and as a result, we even release excess weight. Many of us think that by pushing ourselves harder, we will reap the benefits and results that we are looking for. If "more" is no longer working, let me suggest that your body may just fall into place quite naturally as you change your brain chemistry and your mind.
Here are a couple of tips and tricks to get a healthier body and happier mind:
Begin or end your day with these 3 stretches. Hold each pose for 30 seconds minimum, and up to 2 minutes each.
1) Pigeon
Draw the sole of the left foot to the groin area or inner thigh of the right leg. Lean on the outside of the left hip, and sweep your right leg behind you. The hips should be facing squarely to the floor. The left knee is out slightly to the left of the left shoulder, and the foot is coming toward the right shoulder. Fold forward and breathe for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. When you have completed, walk the hands back up, lean to the side of the bent leg, and sweep the straight leg forward. Shake out the legs in front of you, then switch sides.
2) Forward Bend
With both legs extended in front of you, move the fleshy part of the butt away to the sides. Ground your sit bones to the floor. On the inhale, extend the arms up and reach for the sky, and on the exhale, reach the chest to the tops of the feet and fold down. If you can reach the feet, use the leverage to draw your body down. Breathe here for 2 minutes, or 10 breaths.
3) Happy Baby
Lie down on your back. Open your knees on either side of your ribcage, with the soles of your feet facing the ceiling. Grab the outside edges of the feet. Use your hands to pull down, so the knees are open and bent. From here, start to bring more of your lower back to the floor by arching your back. Breathe here for 5 to 10 breaths. Try to hold this for 2 minutes.
A tip that Keri Glassman shared from her Nutritious Life mantra is a belief that we both share: Take 8 minutes to yourself each day and just breathe in and out of your nose. 8 seconds in, 8 seconds out. This is the beginning of literally changing the grey matter of your brain. Keri shared with us that studies have shown that if you set aside 28 minutes per day of an 8 count inhale and exhale for 7 weeks, that your brain literally changes. Begin with 8 minutes a day and build. You will notice a shift in all areas of your life, including weight loss (if that is your goal). More importantly, your happiness levels will increase and you will have more joy in your life on a moment to moment basis.
Find balance in your life by working this easy, 10 minute wake-up routine. Watch your mind and body fall right into place. Start or end your day with these poses and breathing technique to establish a healthier, more life-embracing mindset.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Lemon Ginger Tea For Skin, Hair And Health
7 Best Benefits Of Lemon Ginger Tea For Skin, Hair And Health
Since ages, tea has been associated with a lot of medicinal benefits. In fact, very few things are as refreshing or energizing than having a cup of tea. While this drink is available in various brews and flavors all across the world, one variety that rules the heart of many is lemon and ginger tea.
cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by sushi♥ina
For more than 2000 years, lemon and ginger are a part of medicinal practices. They’re basically used for preventing and treating countless health issues. Besides boosting energy circulation in your body, it enhances the body’s metabolic rate. Both ginger and lemon are popular inclusions in energy drinks, and that too with good reasons. Instead of buying these sugar loaded drinks, consider consuming them the natural way.
Why don’t you try out lemon ginger tea? Since both these ingredients are easily available in the market, the whole process is easy as well as cost-effective. Ginger has worked as a natural source of remedy for several diseases. What’s more, it has loads of health restorative effects as well. According to modern researchers, ginger is capable of treating a range of serious health conditions like migraines and cancer. When consumed as ginger lemon tea, it has an unbelievably calming effect on your senses. Plus the ginger lemon tea recipe is a piece of cake!
Lemon ginger tea – Health benefits:
1. Say goodbye to diabetes:
According to a recent study, lemon ginger tea helps in lowering the dangerous effects of diabetes. The deadly effects of diabetes are countless and include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and retinopathy or eye disease. Since this variety of tea is laden with antioxidants, you can avoid these harmful effects to a great extent.
2. Relief from indigestion:
When ginger and lemon are used in tea, they work magically to lower the chances of indigestion or heartburn.
3. Soothes pain, menstrual cramps, headache and inflammation:
Due to the anti-inflammatory characteristic of ginger tea, it has a healing effect on different kinds of pain. It puts a stop to prostaglandins that give rise to swelling and pain in the blood veins.
4. Prevents nausea, cold and flu:
Natural lemon and ginger tea is an instant cure for vomiting and motion sickness. It also works as a natural remedy for cases of flu and cold.
5. Ovarian cyst treatment:
For those suffering from ovarian cancer or running the risks of cancer, ginger has proved to be highly effective. Several researches have shown that it stops or lessens the chances of cell death in your body.
[ Read: Turmeric Milk ]
Lemon ginger tea – Skin benefits:
6. Smooth and flawless skin:
Lemon and ginger tea has been used since ages to stop or cure several health disorders. Believe it or not, they have countless medicinal benefits. One main reason behind this is its high vitamin content. So, consider replacing your beverage or health supplement capsules with a delicious cup of lemon ginger tea.
Since its rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, it helps improve your digestion and clears the skin. Thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, you’re able to enjoy a problem-free skin.
[ Read: Turmeric Powder for Pimples ]
Lemon ginger tea – Hair benefits:
7. Strong and beautiful hair:
For a lot of people, hair problem is an indispensable fact of life. Whether it’s an itchy scalp, hair loss or a receding hairline, effects are mostly psychological; sometimes even leading you to the edge of depression. So, take the preventative steps before it’s too late. Instead of using all the cosmetics and chemical products, consider choosing the natural way.
[ Read: Tea Tree Oil Benefits for Skin ]
For people suffering from hair problems, doctors often recommend diets rich in vitamins, such as A and C. They help combat the production of DHT in your scalp, which in turn stimulates hair growth. Since ginger lemon tea is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, you’ll be able to tackle your hair problems easily and naturally.
Hope you liked the article. Shoot us a comment. Stay fit, Stay Healthy!
Tumeric for beauty and health
16 Amazing Benefits Of Turmeric Milk For Beauty And Health
Recipe for milk with turmeric:
- Take 1 inch turmeric piece
- Boil for 15 minutes in milk
- Strain out the turmeric
- Cool and drink this milk.
Let us see the top 16 benefits of this wonderful gift of nature:
Benefits of Turmeric Milk
1. Respiratory illness:
Turmeric milk is an anti-microbial which attacks bacterial infections and viral infections. It is useful to treat illnesses related to respiratory system, since the spice heats up your body and provides quick relief from lung congestion and sinuses. This is also an effective remedy to cure asthma and bronchitis.
2. Cancer:
This milk prevents and stops the growth of breast, skin, lung, prostate, and colon cancers, since it has anti-inflammatory properties. This prevents cancer cells from damaging DNA and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.
3. Anti Inflammatory:
Turmeric milk is anti-inflammatory, that can prevent and protect arthritis and stomach ulcers. This is also known as ‘natural aspirin’ in Ayurvedic medicine that can cure headaches, swelling and pain.
[ Read: Ginger Lemon Tea ]
4. Cold and Cough:
Turmeric Milk is considered as a best remedy for cold and cough due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. It gives instant relief to sore throat, cough and cold.
5. Arthritis:
Turmeric Milk is used to cure arthritis and treat swelling due to rheumatoid arthritis. It also helps to make the joints and muscles flexible by reducing the pain.
6. Aches and Pains:
Turmeric golden milk gives best relief from aches and pains. This can also strengthen the spine and joints in the body.
7. Antioxidant:
Turmeric milk is excellent source of antioxidants, which fights free radicals. This can cure many ailments.
8. Blood Purifier:
Turmeric Milk is considered as an excellent blood purifier and cleanser in Ayurvedic tradition. It can revitalize and boost blood circulation in the body. It is also a blood thinner that cleanses the lymphatic system and blood vessels from all impurities.
[ Read: Turmeric For Pimples ]
9. Liver Detox:
Turmeric milk is a natural liver detoxifier and blood purifier that boosts liver function. It supports the liver and cleanses the lymphatic system.
10. Bone Health:
Turmeric milk is a good source of calcium which is a must to keep the bones healthy and strong. India’s batting legend Sachin Tendulkar drinks this daily for good bone health. Turmeric milk lowers bone loss and osteoporosis.
11. Digestive Health:
It is a powerful antiseptic that promotes intestinal health and treats stomach ulcers and colitis. This helps in better digestive health and prevents ulcers, diarrhea and indigestion.
12. Menstrual Cramps:
Turmeric milk works wonder as it is antispasmodic that eases menstrual cramps and pain. Pregnant women should take golden turmeric milk for easy delivery, post partum recovery, improved lactation and faster contraction of ovaries.
13. Rash and Skin Redness:
Cleopatra took turmeric milk baths for soft, supple and glowing skin. Similarly, drink turmeric milk for glowing skin. Soak turmeric milk in a cotton ball; apply on the affected area for 15 minutes to reduce skin redness and blotchy patches. This will make the skin more radiant and glowing than before.
[ Read: Herbal Slimming Tea ]
14. Weight Loss:
Turmeric milk helps in the breakdown of dietary fat. This can be useful to control weight.
15. Eczema:
Drink a glass of turmeric milk everyday to treat eczema.
16. Insomnia:
Warm turmeric milk produces an amino acid, tryptophan; that induces peaceful and blissful sleep.
So, what are you waiting for? Include these two wonderful natural ingredients in your daily diet and reap the numerous health benefits. Don’t forget to share your feedback. Stay fit, Stay healthy!
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