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Monday, April 14, 2014

Binaural music to slow down your brain activity

Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave Entrainment is a safe and powerful method of calming the activity in your mind so that you can achieve a state of complete relaxation and mental clarity. It is an extremely effective way of training the mind to enter a state of deep meditation or sleep without years and years of practice. 
Binaural Music
By listening to specially prepared sounds known as binaural beats, your mind will gradually adjust its natural rhythms, helping you to become serene and clear minded. It really is that simple.
Binaural beats are a scientifically proven technology for achieving profound relaxation and they can improve your overall health by dramatically reducing the effects of stress in your life.
Think about it for a moment...Your mind is at work all day, every day. Every decision you make, every challenge that you face, every moment you go through in life, your mind is your constant companion, and it can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Your mind is something you need to take good care of, because your quality of life is directly related to your "quality of mind".
Brainwave entrainment asks the question, is your mind a friend or is it your foe?

Wouldn’t it be a blessing if you could find a way to move through each day with a greater sense of peace and harmony, with heightened creativity and intuition, with a sharper intellect and a more positive outlook? For many people today, the deep, effortless meditation that brainwave entrainment provides is the key to a more fulfilling, peaceful and successful life.
Listening to brainwave entrainment music will provide you with the benefits of a formal meditation practice. It will improve your mental clarity, your creativity and your ability to learn and to concentrate. It will bring you peace if mind and emotional stability. It is also one of the most powerful natural ways to cure insomniaand can dramatically improve the quality of your sleep.

How Does it all Work?

You have probably already heard of the word “brainwaves” and you may already know that brainwaves can be measured with a machine called an electroencephalograph (EEG). An EEG measures the amount of activity in your brain and that activity is measured as a frequency.
The frequency of your brain activity will vary depending on your mental state. For example, if you are feeling very alert or busy minded, then your brain’s dominant frequency will be faster than if you are feeling relaxed.
Brain activity is normally categorized into the following four major groups, each corresponding to a different frequency.
Beta brain waves - 12 Hz to 30 Hz
Alpha brain waves - 8 Hz to 12 Hz
Theta brain waves - 4 Hz to 7 Hz
Delta brain waves - 0.1 Hz to 4 Hz
Note that the Hz symbol above is the abbreviation for “Hertz” or “cycles per second”. It is a measure of frequency.

OK, but how does all this help me to meditate?

Sound can be used to change the frequency of your brain activity. Just as brainwaves are measured in Hertz, so too are the frequencies of sound, and we can use sound, in the form of binaural beats, to train your brain to enter a state of deep meditation. This is known as brainwave entrainment.
Consider the following analogy. Imagine a ballroom full of people dancing together. When the music changes to a faster tempo, the dancers move faster in response to this. When a slower piece of music is played, the dancers’ rhythm slows down as well. In a similar way, the frequency of your brain will change in response to the frequency of the binaural beat that it is exposed to. For example, a person who is in a state of very deep meditation may have a dominant brainwave frequency of 5 hertz, so by listening to a binaural beat with a frequency of 5 hertz you can entrain your own brainwaves to a similar state.
If you happen to be someone who already knows about the physics of sound, then you’ll know that frequencies of 20 hertz or less cannot be heard by the human ear. So how on earth can we use sound to create frequencies as low as 0.1 hertz, and how will you be able to hear them? This is where the “magic” of binaural beats comes into action. Actually, it’s not magic at’s more physics! If you are feeling a bit adventurous, then click on the following link to find out how binaural frequencies are created.
By listening to sounds that contain binaural beats, you can effortlessly experience the benefits of meditation. This type of meditation is often called "binaural meditation".
Most people find binaural meditation music to be extremely relaxing from the very first time they listen to it, and over time the experience just becomes deeper and deeper.

Is Binaural Meditation for You?

Binaural meditation is the most effective way to take advantage of brainwave entrainment technology and it really is a fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of meditation.
People who are new to meditation sometimes complain that they find it too difficult to silence their thoughts. This is perfectly normal and in fact, if you are new to meditation you should not expect to achieve absolute mental silence in the next day or two. Even the most experience meditators still have their good days and bad days when it comes to meditation and a certain amount of mental activity during meditation is quite normal.
However, by listening to binaural music, you can dramatically accelerate your progress with meditation, and achieve a far deeper, more relaxing state of mind than you would by practicing traditional meditation techniques. In fact, almost everyone discovers that uses binaural meditation music finds that they go deeper into meditation, faster, and with less concerted effort.
The beauty of binaural meditation music is that it works on two levels. First of all, the music itself gives your mind something soothing to occupy itself with, so that you are less inclined to continue mulling over troublesome thoughts.
Secondly, the binaural beats that are blended with the music have a direct effect on your brain activity, gradually slowing the activity of the mind and literally guiding you into a state of deep meditation.
Even if you are an experienced meditator you will achieve even greater depth and stillness in your meditation by complementing your practice with the use of binaural meditation music.
The same principles also apply to people who want to improve the quality of their sleep, or cure insomnia naturally. By listening to sleep music that contains delta frequencies (the same frequencies that are present during deep sleep), you can literally guide your brainwave activity into the sleep state.
Binaural meditation music is VERY popular these days, and you might have noticed that some of the companies that sell binaural music products make rather spectacular claims about the benefits of brainwave entrainment technology. Some declare that they can make you “meditate like a zen monk at the touch of a button”, or that you will “instantly meditate like the greatest gurus”. While it is true that binaural meditation music is extremely powerful, and that it can genuinely improve the quality of your life, it is not a miracle solution or a spiritual “get rich quick” scheme. Like all things in life, positive and lasting results will still take just a little time and effort on your part. Binaural meditation music just accelerates and deepens to process.

Is peace of mind important to you?
Do you need to relax and unwind?
Are you ready for total relaxation and inner stillness?

What is Binaural Meditation?

Binaural meditation is simply a type of meditation that uses binaural audio technology to bring about desireable changes in brainwave activity so as to induce a state of meditation and deep relaxation.
This specialized audio technology uses sounds called binaural beats. These sounds are usually embedded within soothing music, to help you enter into states of deep meditation that might normally take years of practice to accomplish. It is of great benefit to those who are new to meditation, but is also wonderful for experienced meditators who feel that they have reached a plateau and are struggling to deepen their meditation.

How do I do a Binaural Meditation?

Simply take a seat in a quiet place and close your eyes. Keep your back straight and take a few deep breaths. Now pop on your headphones and play your binaural meditation at a quite volume.
That's it! Just listen to the binaural meditation sounds and allow your mind to be gently guided into deeper and deeper states of meditative stillness.
If thoughts pop into your mind, simply let them go and return your awareness to the sounds in your ears. At the completion of your meditation, take a few minutes to lie down and rest, and then take your time coming back to the world. You'll be feeling very calm and relaxed, so please don't get behind the wheel of your car until you are fully awake.
Many more of your questions about how to do binaural meditation will be answered in the following paragraphs...

How much time do I have to spend listening?

If you are using binaural audio for the purpose of meditation and you are a meditation beginner, then I recommended that you listen for 20 minutes, twice per day. Many people choose to listen for longer than this because the experience is so pleasurable, but more is not necessarily better!
More experienced meditators will often sit for longer periods of between 30 to 60 minutes, twice per day. Of course, not everyone has the time or inclination to spend this long in meditation, and for that reason, some people prefer to meditate only once per day. Meditating twice per day is recommended for maximum effectiveness, but of course, I understand that you have a life to live, and other things to do!
Many of our binaural meditation music tracks are 60 minutes long. Should you choose to spend less time than this in meditation, simply switch off the sounds when you are ready. If you would like to meditate for longer than 60 minutes, then we recommend that you allow the track to finish, and then meditate in silence. After 60 minutes, the binaural audio technology will most certainly have done its work!
Once your meditation is over, please don't rush to get up. During your meditation you will slip into a deeply relaxed state of mind, and you'll need a few minutes to adjust before you go about your day. We highly recommend that you lie down for a few minutes after your meditation and just let your mind wander. Then take your time in getting up and waking up completely.

Does Binaural Meditation Work?

Absolutely. Binaural beats were first discovered over 150 years ago, and have been the subject of a great deal of technical exploration over the last 35 years in particular. Millions of people use binaural meditation to enhance their quality of life and to experience deep relaxation. In fact, binaural audio technology is now used for more than just meditation. It is also used by a variety of practitioners and private users for improving self-confidence, stress relief, pain management, relaxation, improving concentration and improving the quality of one's sleep. If you'd like to read an objective third party report on binaural beats please refer to this Wikipedia article.

Do I need any special audio equipment?

Once you have downloaded your mp3 files, you can upload them to your iPod, or you can burn them to CD. All you will then need is a pair of stereo headphones.

Do I have to wear headphones?

Headphones are HIGHLY recommended. Binaural audio technology depends on a stereo effect in which specific frequencies are played into each ear. If played on an open-speaker stereo system the music will sound different and it will not have the same effect on your mind.

At what volume should I listen to the recordings?

You should listen to the recordings at quite a soft level. Listening to them at a louder volume will not improve their effectiveness. Just select a volume that you are comfortable with, and if you feel that the sound is at all intrusive, simply turn down the volume a little.

Can binaural audio help me become smarter?

Most forms of meditation have been shown to lead to increases in mental functioning, intelligence and creativity. Our binaural meditation music accelerates this process by helping you enter into a deeper state of meditation than you might normally be able to. Over time, binaural meditation definitely offers you the potential to improve your learning ability, your problem solving skills, your focus, concentration and your memory.
Your functioning intelligence is also affected by the quality of your sleep, so our binaural sleep music will also be of tremendous benefit if you are not sleeping long enough, or deeply enough.

Is Binaural Meditation technology safe?

Absolutely. This type of technology has been used by millions of people around the world for decades. It’s important to remember that binaural audio technology does not force your brain to do anything it doesn’t already do. On a day to day basis, your mind generates a number of different brain wave patterns. Binaural music simply trains your brain to spend more time generating brain wave patterns that make you feel calm, centered and focused, and less time on patterns that occur when you are stressed or anxious.
Because this technology can lead to altered states of consciousness, such as drowsiness, deep meditation and trance, you should never listen to this technology while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery.

Can I listen to these mp3 tracks while I do other things?

You can do this, but I recommend that you listen to binaural audio while sitting down or lying down with your eyes closed. The purpose of this type of audio technology is to give you an enhanced experience of deep meditation or to help you sleep. It is unlikely that you will achieve such a state of relaxation while working or performing your daily tasks, even if you do listen to the music at the same time. Some people even report mild headaches if they try to listen to binaural music while working on their computer.

Can I use these binaural recordings to help me sleep?

Of course! Our binaural sleep music is perfect for anyone who wants to sleep more deeply. People who suffer from insomnia LOVE these recordings. Simply pop on your headphones, lie down in bed and relax. The slow delta frequencies will lull you into a deep sleep quite quickly.
Binaural Sleep Music

How long before I experience results?

Everyone is different, and while some people will respond to binaural audio from the very first time they listen, others may require a week or two before they start to get into the swing of things. The good news is that you’ll keep on making progress each time you listen. As time goes by, your ability to achieve a state of meditative stillness becomes stronger and stronger, and you will learn to go deeper and deeper.
If you are using your binaural recordings to help you sleep, the same principle applies. Many people find this audio technology quite overwhelming and are coaxed into a state of deep sleep in minutes, whereas others need time to adjust. Keep using the recordings on a daily basis. They will have an accumulative effect on your mind and will continue to peel off layers of stress and slowly acclimatise you to the experience of effortless sleep.
For most people, positive changes take place gradually...just like the physical changes that you experience by going to the gymnasium. If you go to the gym on a regular basis, it is impossible for your body to stay the same. Positive results are inevitable. Daily use of binaural technology leads to positive changes in the same inevitable way.
A word of advice...some listeners find that their mind is very active the first few times that they listen to a binaural audio. The reason? Because the experience is so new to them, they cannot help but study the sounds, and they consciously wait for something to happen. Let go, and just allow the sounds to fill your mind and you’ll slip into a state of relaxation quite quickly. The experience should be effortless and does not require intense concentration.

My mind is still a bit restless. How do I stop it?

It can be frustrating when mental chatter gets in the way of meditation or when you are trying to sleep. Here are a couple of pointers for dealing with this:
We suggest that you start by accepting the chatter, rather than trying to stop it or force it away. Mental chatter will dissolve on its own as you slowly relax and unwind, so drop your resistance to it.
Next, try observing your thoughts in a detached way. Simply be a curious witness to them. Observe them as they arise and allow them to come and go. If you notice that you have become tense, especially in the muscles in your face, scalp, or around your eyes, simply relax and return your awareness to the sounds in your ears.
Some meditations will be deeper than others. This is normal and you should expect some natural variation in your experience of these recordings...after all, you are a human being, not a robot, and so on some days your mind will be more receptive to meditation than others. However, one thing is for sure, thesebinaural music recordings will deepen your meditation and enhance your ability to sleep regardless of what is going on in your life at the time. Regular use is the key.

Are there any side effects from using binaural audio?

Users of binaural audio often report that they have very vivid dreams, or that they dream more often than usual.
On rare occasions, all types of meditation practice can lead to some emotional discomfort or even mild headaches as you release negative, unresolved mental and emotional patterns that may have arisen from your subconscious mind. This can also happen if you have been very tense or extremely stressed in your life. This is temporary and will resolve as you continue to progress with your meditation. All forms of meditation lead to healing, and sometimes that healing takes place on an emotional level.
You should not expect this to happen to you. We are simply pointing out that it is possible, no matter how rare.
Other than this, the only real side effects of binaural audio technology are all very desirable: Improved health, better emotional and mental stability, improved mental clarity and a more peaceful outlook on life!
Binaural Meditation Music

Binaural Sleep Music

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Friday, April 4, 2014

Why Meditate? What Can Meditation Do For You?

Why Meditate? What Can Meditation Do For You?

Have you ever wondered, "why meditate"? If so, then read on as we briefly explore the benefits of meditation and look at some of the really practical, down to earth ways in which it can improve your quality of life.
"Your mind is at work all day, every day. Every decision you make, every challenge that you face, every moment you go through in life, your mind is your constant companion...and it can be your best friend or your worst enemy."
Christopher Lloyd Clarke
In our frantic modern world, meditation has become one of the most popular ways for people to relax, de-stress, accelerate their spiritual development and enhance their quality of life.
More and more people are beginning to realize that one’s quality of life depends largely on one’s quality of mind.
This increase in popularity is also partly due to the fact that over the last few decades, a huge amount of research and scientific exploration has been conducted into the benefits of meditation.
So let’s get to know more about what it’s like to meditate, and how meditation can help you in your own life.

What happens when you meditate?

When you practice meditation, your heart rate and your breathing gradually slow down. Your blood pressure normalizes and the function of your immune system improves. Meditation also causes your adrenal glands to produce less cortisol, one of the main hormones responsible for ageing.

As you meditate, your mind becomes clearer and clearer. You feel less burdened by mental chatter, and troubling emotions gradually melt away. Feelings of stress and anxiety are greatly reduced.
The inner calm that meditation provides also leads to a more positive outlook, increased intelligence and enhanced creativity. Meditation helps to eliminate stress and anxiety, and it helps you to sleep more deeply. With consistent practice, these positive effects compound and become permanently established.

Why meditate? Is meditation for me?

People who meditate regularly tend to rave about the positive changes that meditation has brought into their lives.

But what about you? What if you’ve never experienced meditation before? Why meditate? What practical benefits can meditation offer to people like you and me and how can it help us in our everyday lives?
Here are just a few examples:
Why Meditate Sports
It is very common for sportspeople to use meditation to help them perform at their peak. Meditation helps them to focus on achieving their goals, and to help them recover from strenuous exercise more quickly.
Why Meditate Business
Business people, from office workers to CEO’s, use meditation to help them stay cool under pressure and to help them make clear, well formed decisions.
Why Meditate Artists
Artists use meditation to help them get in touch with their creativity. It’s hard to be creative when you are mentally overloaded or emotionally turbulent. Meditation relaxes you, quiets your mind, and opens up your imagination.
Why Meditate Parents
For parents, meditation offers much needed relief from the pressures of day to day living, and from all the responsibilities that come with raising a family. For many parents, time spent in meditation is precious. It’s “me time”... quiet time that you give to yourself to relax and reflect.
Why Meditate Students
Students benefit greatly from meditation. Meditation helps by enhancing their intelligence, dramatically improving their memory, and increasing their ability to assimilate new information.
Why Meditate Scientist
Scientists, engineers and other people with highly technical roles use meditation to help them think clearly and to solve complex problems.
Why Meditate Spiritual
Spiritual people use meditation to get in touch with their inner self, to transcend the limiting perspective of their ego, and to experience a deeper connection with God.
Why Meditate Relationships
Meditation helps you to relax and become more emotionally balanced. With this in mind, anyone who is in a relationship with a loving partner can benefit from meditation. With a calm mind and an open heart, conflicts are resolved more easily, and love is exchanged more readily, and more deeply.
Who wants life to be stressful? No one!
Who wants to be healthy, happy and relaxed? Everyone!
Why meditate? Why wouldn't you?

No matter who you are, or what you do, meditation will improve your health, increase your performance, and enhance your quality of life. Even if you have never meditated before, the positive effects of meditation can be experienced from the very first time you try it. You don’t even need to go to classes or to hire a teacher. Just by exploring the resources on this website you can find all the information you need to learn how to meditate, and to enjoy a happier, healthier life.

Are there any downsides to meditation?

Meditation does take some practice, and for some people it can seem a little difficult to grasp in the early stages. However, the small amount of time and effort it takes to learn meditation are well worth it in terms of the overall benefits that meditation provides. One of the best ways for beginners to bypass the usual learning curve and to enjoy the benefits of meditation immediately is to listen to a guided meditation

How Guided Meditation Makes it Easy

Guided meditation is simply, "meditation with the help of a guide". It’s an effortless and enjoyable experience that will leave you feeling deeply rested, relaxed and inspired. Guided meditation also has some additional benefits to offer that traditional meditation techniques do not. For example, a guided meditation can be tailored to help you achieve a specific goal, whether that goal is deep relaxation, finding clarity in life, increasing your performance or healing yourself on a physical or emotional level.

Guided meditation is simply the easiest and quickest way to experience the benefits of meditation in your life.

What Next?

Mindfulness Bell - A 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Bell Volume 1
"Relax! Meditation is easy! Let the mindfulness bell do the work for you!"
Mindfulness Bell Volume 1 is a powerful meditation tool that was created especially for people who want to practice mindfulness meditation, and it's one of our most popular downloads of all time. It features the sound of a specially selected meditation bell that will really help to clear your mind and guide you into a deep state of meditation.

Pure, Simple and Powerful
This recording contains nothing but the pure sound of a Tibetan singing bowl being repeatedly struck with a soft mallet.
This calming sound is a wonderful focal point for meditation. Simply absorb your attention in the sound of the mindfulness bell. No mantra is required, no special breathing techniques are needed, just let your awareness be consumed by the sound of the bell.
Your mind will become clearer and more calm with each and every bell strike, and as the bells fade into silence, your mind is given the opportunity to experience a very natural state of stillness.
This bell actually encourages your mind to become still and silent, but alert. This is mindfulness training at its best!

A relaxing way to practice mindfulness meditation

There’s something really nice about being able to meditate without having to worry about concentrating intensely or repeating a mantra.
Just let the bells do the work for you.

Their comforting, meditative sound will help you to anchor your awareness in the present moment so that you can move past mental noise and get in touch with that part of you that is already quiet and still. This really is a very effective way to meditate.

Try out 5 minutes of mindfulness

A word or two from the composer / producer

If there is one I learned while recording Mindfulness Bells Volume 1, it’s that meditation bells are not all equal!
I sampled dozens of different bells and eventually exhausted my own collection of over 65 different bells and meditation bowls before I found "the one". Just for fun, I decided to call him "Henry".
Meet "Henry", our perfect mindfulness bell.
Henry the mindfulness bellHenry is almost one foot wide and he weighs 4 pounds. He is made from seven different metals and he was born in the Himalayas. He's a big boy, but he has a very calm disposition and he loves to sing in a deep, soft voice. Henry is the star of Mindfulness Bell Volume 1, but he promises me that he won't let all this sudden fame go to his head.
Each and every bell has its own unique sound. Some are quite unmusical, whereas others have harmonics that mingle beautifully. Some oscillate too quickly or in awkward patterns that are distracting, whereas others oscillate with a natural rhythm that is deeply relaxing. Some bells really clang when they are struck, others are too boomy.
Henry has all the qualities of a perfect mindfulness bell. He’s never shrill, clangy or boomy and when you strike him he sings effortlessly. His two most prominent harmonics oscillate with a low delta frequency of 0.5 Hertz, and at a delta frequency of 4 Hertz. (You can hear these oscillations pulsing away in the audio sample). Much like the effect of binaural beats, these oscillations are deeply relaxing and can actually help to guide your brainwave activity into a state of deep meditation. 
It's easy to underestimate just how much thought and effort goes into a "simple" recording like this. As a music composer, a producer, and someone who is more than a little obsessed with sound quality, I spent a huge amount of time experimenting with different microphones and recording techniques before I captured the sound you hear in this recording. Following that, I spent another fortnight experimenting with the timing of the bells and mastering the final sound. It was a labour of love that I will always remember fondly.

What exactly happens inside Mindfulness Bell Volume 1?

Each time the bell is struck, it rings for about 40 seconds. During the first 5 minutes of this meditation, the sound never completely fades away; the bell is struck again before it fades to silence.
Slowly but surely the gap between each bell-strike is increased, allowing you to gradually experience longer and longer moments of complete silence.
By the 15 minute mark, silent spaces of around 15 seconds have opened up between each bell strike, and the overall volume has become a little quieter. By the 30 minute mark, these silent spaces have increased to 25 seconds and the volume is reduced just a little more.
If you choose to continue meditating for more than 30 minutes, you’ll find that each 40 second bell sound is separated by 40 seconds of silence.
In this way, Mindfulness Bell Volume 1 trains you to become more and more comfortable with the sound of silence, and more and more capable of achieving mental stillness on your own.
So what is your role to play in all of this? Just sit quietly and listen. If your mind wanders, simply return your attention to the sound of the bell - your reliable anchor to the present moment.

Track 1 - Main Meditation, 60 minutes
Track 2 - 5 Minute Mindfulness, 5 minutes
Artist: Christopher Lloyd Clarke
Delivery: Immediate MP3 Download - Worldwide
Price: $ 9.95
All prices are in Australian Dollars (ex GST)
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